There are numerous discussion forums on the web covering escorts and agencies. Nonetheless, we suggest you take care when publishing commentaries or reading them on such sites. Some of the forums belong to the agencies and comments are on occasion posted by the agencies or escorts themselves ... So anybody can say anything they like, and the "moderators" of such sites are rarely impartial.
As far as we know, the website is a good reference, fairly reliable and correct. That you have to pay for access to commentaries shows a certain degree of seriousness. Although there are reviews of little real value on this site, our agency has a good reputation (A classification) and it is not our style to post "auto-reviews", or to give "rebates" in return for positive commentaries. By the way, less than 5% of our customers post commentaries on "Captain69" ... so the fact that an escort of our agency is not "reviewed" on this site does not mean our customers don't appreciate her. Nothing beats making your own experiences and coming to your own opinion!